The Agrifood Federation of the Workers' Commissions union has organized the Conference “Towards a more Social Common Agricultural Policy: Socioeconomic impacts and challenges for the Canarian agri-food system 2014-2020”.
For the CCOO Agrifood Federation, one of the great challenges, still pending, of the current reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (PAC) 2014-2020 it is like applying a socio-labour and employment dimension in agriculture through the development of the next CAP.
In this context, In the seminar, different evaluations/positions and potentialities will be presented through the main "actors" of the sector.: EU, Government of Spain, Canary Islands Government, Political parties, BCC, Agricultural Employers, etc.
The aim of the seminar is to point out and discuss the challenges, to incorporate them into the agenda of the different organizations and political parties. It will be addressed in the different lines of the CAP (aids, Rural development…) to apply in Spain and, specifically in Outermost Regions – Canary Islands- before its most representative agricultural productions -tomato, plantain-.
The Framework Paper: A social vision of the Common Agricultural Policy (PAC), will be in charge of the Secretary General of Feagra-CCOO, Jesus Villar Rodriguez; will follow from the round tables to address: The European Vision of the CAP in Outermost Regions; The development of the CAP from the Government of Spain; The application of the CAP in the Canary Islands and the vision of the Agricultural Employers in Canarian agricultural subsectors.
In the afternoon, the Analysis Program of the sector will be presented from the perspective of labor relations and social dialogue. The aim of this action is to have a more direct approach to the situation of the labor market in the agri-food sector in order to learn about and delve into the aspects that most affect the situation of workers in the sector..
Through small working groups with the representatives of the workers in the sector, An analysis of the situation of the companies in the sector will be carried out in aspects related to the development of social dialogue and the maturity of the labor relations established in the companies..
From this analysis, those good practices that can be subsequently transferred to other areas will be identified.. Methodologically, work will be done on a series of issues to be analyzed in the working groups; the topics to be addressed in each meeting will be sent to the participants in advance so that all the participants can prepare their work (collect accurate information) and facilitate the discussion to be developed in the face-to-face session.
Subsequently, and supported by information technologies, an open forum will be maintained on a specific blog for this program., that can support an open conversation and an exchange of information and opinion throughout the period until the next face-to-face meeting.
Among the speakers also stand out Juan Prieto Gómez, MAGRAMA representative, Rafael Moreno-Santoyo. Head of Trade Union Training FEAGRA-CCOO Andalucía, and Jose Gallo Cuesta, Secretary of Formation of Feagra-CCOO.