Fruit Gran CanariaThe initiative offers advantageous conditions in the acquisition of these specimens.

The Cabildo of Gran Canaria, through the Experimental agricultural farm, It has launched a new edition of the annual campaign of fruit trees.

An initiative which will be eligible farmers in Gran Canaria until next 6 August, in order to enjoy more favourable conditions on the acquisition of the copies.

The announcement of the call for proposals was published last 17 July of 2015 in the official bulletin of the province (BOP) Las Palmas number 91.

It is addressed to natural or legal persons who are holders of a farm on the island. The retail price of each tree will be made by the Minister of primary Sector and food sovereignty of the Cabildo of Gran Canaria, Miguel Hidalgo Sanchez, and approve a list of them that will be the subject of publication.

Settles a bonus of the 25% public price to subjects that are beneficiaries of this campaign.

In addition, attaches a minimum order for applicant's 25 fruit trees by species, being the most established in 200 copies per applicant and species.

Offered are the following: Orange trees, mandarins, files, lemon trees, grapefruit, ornamental citrus, apricot trees, Kiwis, Perales, plum trees, higuers, persimmons, Apple trees, peach trees, nectarines, loquat, olive trees, Quince, almond trees, Granados and cherry trees.

Regulatory bases of the call.

Information about the offered trees.