Jacinto Godoy GonzalezAfter more than 45 year career dedicated, mainly, the tomato sector.

Agricultural 'Expert’ Jacinto Godoy Gonzalez He has received a deserved and great tribute that has taxed him certifier Agrocolor. The event was held at the hotel Mencey in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, culmination of the meeting of the Annual Council of the certifier.

They participated in the tribute a hundred guests arrived from the Peninsula and almost every corner of the Canary Islands, which included family, friends, peers and Institutions.

Before delivering recognition, a video in which Jacinto himself explained the nexus of his profession with his native village as well as several farmers and farmers shared their experience with the 'Perito projected’ villager.

“Work for others”.

President Agrocolor, Francisco Góngora, Jacinto highlighted “its commitment to the whole Spanish fruit and vegetable sector to provide tools to ensure quality and food security, as well as their personal and professional category”.

Gongora stressed the important role played by Jacinto Godoy as precursor and promoter of cooperation in the islands, from the Village of St. Nicholas in Gran Canaria where he was born.

The president concluded that Agrocolor “Agrocolor's tribute to Jacinto Godoy he moved from his person the entire agricultural sector in the Canaries, which it has benefited from entrepreneurship and vision Godoy since its inception in Holland to senior management positions occupied in the fruit and vegetable sector nationwide”.

Upon delivery of a plaque of appreciation and gratitude CEO of the Association of Organizations of Producers of Fruit and Vegetable joined Almería (COEXPHAL), Juan Colomina, who also highlighted the achievements and virtues of the honoree.

After delivery of the plate and logo Agrocolor, He spoke an emotional Jacinto Godoy thanked “heart” this recognition that extraordinarily proud and was not expected.

Jacinto Godoy said, as the saying goes, “nobody is a prophet in their own land, so this tribute by my friends in Almería, my second home, I'm excited and has a double value“.

In his speech, Jacinto Godoy, who should be listed them who is: His parents, his wife, his daughters and son, granddaughters and grandsons, his sister, and, how not, his friends, “that I see here today almost all”. His parents recalled what they said: “Do not forget you work for others”, a premise that has accompanied him throughout his life.

Those who know me know my successes and mistakes, sometimes with more gingerly than others, Clear. This I learned from trial and error in my career. Sometimes it has been successful and others less so. The method you can imagine. Not the R & D + i. Mine is the 4 is: Integration, Innovation, Internationalization and Illusion“, Jacinto said.

The honoree also made a hole in his heartfelt thanks to vindicate, Once again, the implementation of the second phase of the road from La Aldea: “If the opening of the first section have put us in the twentieth century, I just hope that with the opening of the second we put in the XXI century, before it runs out”.

Then he held a lunch at which time Jacinto Godoy received congratulations of these samples and continuous affection and gratitude.

The TV program Canaria “Canaries Campo y Mar” directed Clemente González, will broadcast this Sunday 9 December at 9:00 hours a summary of tribute.



Jacinto Godoy Gonzalez born in 1942 in La Aldea de San Nicolás. Son of farmers, his mother Julia González Herrera de Tasartico and his father Jacinto Suárez Godoy Villager. He studied high school at the Colegio San Antonio de Padua and the College Viera y Clavijo, in Las Palmas and then Agricultural expert at the University of La Laguna. That same year he moved to Holland to study and work, specializing in agricultural genetic in the company Bruisma B.V.. seed production.

The next year, returns to the Canary Islands being his first job in the business of selling agricultural products called “Agricultural Services SERAGRI” on the island of Gran Canaria, Don Jaime Bravo de Laguna O'Shanahan, in the year 1968 Cooperative works in the Cause Don Marcelo Báez Apolinario.

In 1977 he moved to the agricultural area of ​​Southeast Peninsula, (Murcia, Almeria and Alicante) and creates, with other partners, Agricultural Company News which today it is leading internationally in Irrigation Technology.

Returns to the village 1980 as General manager of the company's D. Tomas Rodriguez Quintana, providing expertise in artificial irrigation, subscriber systems, varieties, types of enclosures, greenhouses, etc. and modernizing basic operation with rigorous measures especially in work organization and logistics for maximum profitability of the farm.

In 1985 He goes to work as a technical advisor and CEO of the Agricultural Cooperative COAGRISAN. Manages to successfully coordinate more than four cooperators in plantations and seeds, modernization of irrigation and subscribers, change outdoor crops greenhouse, modernizes marketing systems, etc., increasing per capita income and raising awareness among farmers and government of the importance of the tomato sector in the Canary Islands.

In the year 2000 He conducted for the Cooperative and its cooperators the largest project of concentration and agricultural parcelling de Canarias, transforming a surface 50 hectares farm in the area called "The Tabladas", in a complex agricultural production art, (economic and social), for young farmers, a model of cooperativism nationwide.

Has been Chairman of the National Committee for Quality of the Spanish Federation of Goods, Fruit Exporters, Vegetables, Flowers and live plants (FEPEX). National Chairman of the Technical Committee of Standardization of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables AENOR (CTN155). National Chairman of the Technical Committee of Certification of fruit and vegetables for fresh consumption (CTC – 054, AENOR). National President of the World Fruit and Vegetable Certification GLOBAL GAP.

Vocal In the Federation of Exporters of Fruits and Vegetables of Las Palmas (FEDEX). President of Fortuna Group marketing in United Kingdom (UK). President of Fortuna Group marketing in the Hemisphere, Holland, (Fortuna Group is a company created by Cooperatives and S.A.T of the Canary Islands to directly market their agricultural products fresh). Rep FEDEX as vocal in the Confederation of Entrepreneurs Canaria. Member of the Board of Directors of the Port Authority of Las Palmas on behalf of the Confederation of Entrepreneurs Canaria. Vice President and President the General Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of Canarias, (UCA).

In the year 2011 the Canary Islands Government granted an honorary distinction for its entrepreneurial spirit that has distinguished itself in the exercise of their professional activity, from a strong technical training, without limit, It has been serving the agricultural sector from its geographical environment, Village and which has contributed to strengthening export horticulture, progress in finding solutions to address the challenges and providing innovative initiatives that enjoy recognition for their advanced position and cutting edge.

In September 2016 receives an acknowledgment of COAG-CANARIES It is highlighting its role as the tomato industry alma mater Village and whose determination and dedication to the cause “Tomatera” He has had no limits.

That same year and in the framework of the XXIV Education Days of Popular Culture Community Development Project VILLAGE, It is granted a Distinction for his collaboration with the project.

The 26 November 2016 He is named Favorite Son by the Illustrious Municipality of La Aldea de San Nicolás. In January this year (2018) with 76 retired years.

Jacinto Godoy, maestro, boss, companion and friend, today benchmark for all of us here, we are proud: THANK YOU!

This is not a farewell or a see you later, nor even always your fellow peninsula or Agrocolor. The good teacher, retired and all, continues to ensure students, keep listening, willing to advise, guide, contribute and give your opinion, when they ask.