The condition of the heat wave and mosaic virus has wreaked havoc on crops.
The tomato mosaic virus is destroying whole tomato greenhouses in the Negev. From the eve of the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashaná) the 14 and 15 of September, Israeli consumers have been suffering shortages of tomatoes and cucumbers which has caused a sharp increase in prices.
Time, exceptionally hot in Israel in August and early September, besides virus, has affected crops tomato and cucumber. Specifically, it reports that it has been losing 50 percent of tomato production. The number of claims for damages in this product by farmers has tripled, in relation to previous years.
According to the Association of Farmers, tomato yields have decreased 40% due to the heatwave and 10% more virus. Low supply and high demand for holidays led to the rise in prices.
Israeli farmers blame the government, in particular the Ministry of Agriculture, the lack of planning. They also accuse chains wholesale aggressively pressuring farmers to reduce prices, It is leading some of them to leave the sector. The government blames the weather.
The most characteristic symptom of tomato mosaic virus consists of modifications of the shape and color of the leaves, chlorotic areas alternating with other normal green and dark green (mosaics), the leaves are deformed appearing curly, curled or threadlike appearance.
In early infections plant growth is reduced, the size and number of fruits with the consequent negative impact on performance, Fall flowers can also be observed. Often the fruits downsize and show yellow discolored spots, or irregular shaped ring, sometimes external and internal necrotic changes occur. The earlier infection, the greater the impact on production.