livestock meeting LanzaroteThe sector calls for slaughterhouses are enabled to sacrifice camels and sell the meat.

Marketing of milk and camel meat or simplification of the conditions that Europe requires breeders of goats and sheep when receiving grants, were some of the issues addressed in the meetings held by the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing and Hunting Cabildo of Lanzarote, Antonio Morales, with members of the camel and livestock sectors of the island.

In the first meetings, held in the Socio-Cultural Center Uga, members of Camel Breeders Association Canario moved the need for slaughterhouses of the Archipelago are enabled to slaughter camels as a prelude to the marketing of meat.

In this context it addressed “the need to include in the Official Catalog of Livestock Breeds of Spain to race camel canary based on their economic interest, productive and social, which would allow it to qualify for public aid for the conservation of native breeds”.

The second meeting, held in the Agricultural Experimental Farm and the Council, one Tahiche, It was attended by members of the Association of Artisanal Queserías Lanzarote, Agricultural Cooperative Society Ahof and the Association of Cattlemen Tamia, who transferred various issues of interest to goats and sheep on the island.

Among the demands raised by ranchers included the Simpler conditions Europe requires them when receiving aid, such as the requirement to have an agricultural insurance or be enrolled in a health protection association; o, on the other hand, the redistribution of rights to access to raw set out in the Posei.

Antonio Morales highlighted the importance of the two meetings "as they have allowed us to hear from the beginning and first-hand the demands of these sectors, while informing in detail about issues of concern such as the new regulations approved by the Canarian Government where conditions under which it carried out the transport of animals is regulated ".