Tomatoes in the snowA recent campaign to promote made in internet and social networks highlights the qualities of the Canarian tomato and stresses the importance that Swedish consumer overlooks the natural culture.

The Provincial Federation of associations of exporters of horticultural products of Las Palmas, FEDEX and the Provincial Association of growers - exporters of tomatoes from Tenerife, ACETO, with the participation of Proexca and the collaboration of the Cabildo de Fuerteventura, they have made a promotional campaign of the Canarian tomato in the Swedish market, in order to retain this customer.

From the latest harvests has been observed an increase in the demand of the Canarian tomato in the Scandinavian markets and, particularly, in Sweden. The promotional campaign that was carried out last year, It provided information on the habits and preferences of the Swedish consumer and allowed to design a new campaign that has prevailed this important market information demand.

On this occasion the promotion done over the internet and social networks, due to high penetration in Sweden. Messages about the qualities and differences of the Canarian tomato over their competitors have been the key to the campaign What, In addition, It favoured the participation by contributions that have been awarded.

Web promo SwedenThe promotion has had an impact of five million impressions in a country that has with 9,5 million inhabitants. Google adwords and adsense tools have been used for the same, What has allowed greater efficiency to segmenting the potential consumer.

In addition, the collaboration of the Cabildo de Fuerteventura in this promotion of the Canarian tomato, It has also served to promote this island, Since one of the prizes to be awarded consisted of a trip for two people, one week to Fuerteventura.

The website created for the promotion, as well as profiles on social networks, they have been exclusively intended for the Swedish market. The two and a half months which has been active in the campaign has had a final impact on 455.600 people who, in one way or another, they have interacted with any of the proposals.

Among the conclusions that have been obtained are interest and preference of the Canarian tomato by older women of 35 concerned about his power years. Also, the 90% participants highlight the nutritional and properties beneficial to the health of the Canarian tomato, as in the case of its high lycopene content. Its cultivation in a natural environment, with environmentally friendly techniques with the medium and its maturation in the Sun they make it the preferred.

As a reward for faithfulness and creativity, Natalia Szablowski has been winner of the trip for two people to the island of Fuerteventura where, Besides knowing its beaches, You can visit the facilities and crops of the cooperative Gran Tarajal.

Doing a search on the internet advertisement appeared. Upon entering the web I have learned that there are many years of experience in growing. Tomatoes are my favorite vegetable, designates Szablowski.

I wanted to shoot the tomatoes in an environment where you don't tend to be. I like to go for long walks, so I came with the idea to Canarian tomatoes in the snow. I prepared two pairs of eyes that I glued to the tomatoes and wove a hat and a scarf for them. He then accompanied us to the snow and the day also accompanied, explains Natalia Szablowski.

Campaign designed by FEDEX ACETO has enjoyed the patronage of the Sociedad Canaria de Fomento Económico, S.A., PROEXCA, the collaboration of the Cabildo de Fuerteventura through the ministries of agriculture and tourism and has been executed by the company Ironika Keyword Marketing.