Traditional agriculture Tejeda.The document does not address “to reality” and the landscape that benefits more people, declare.

The municipality of Tejeda complaint that the revision of Insular Management Plan (PIO), in process, “penalizes agriculture and cattle raising against natural” and prevents ordering basic amenities in rural settlements and urban centers.

Once again, It legislates against traditional productive activities “for the benefit of natural or landscape uses, as if they were incompatible”. It summarizes the municipality of Tejeda which would adapt the PIO? valid, If the document that the council initially approved is not modified and subjected to public information.

In the arguments presented, The council claims that the new PIO "does not delimit any area D.2 around settlements and towns or in the interstitial spaces of the same" order to enable precise provisions and equipment and those now lacking, these compact neighborhoods or correct errors in its definition.

The modification “limited agricultural use, even more” the current PIO, “with a clear desire to prevail natural uses” on the farm in a village largely integrated into the Rural Park of Nublo.

The plan, says the letter registered with the Cabildo, “penalizes agricultural use against natural, preventing coexistence”, to the point of stating that ancient agricultural plots cultivated intended for environmental restoration and reforestation.

The new regulation establishes “many constraints that hinder the primary uses” coexistence “to prioritize natural and landscape values ​​against rural and traditional economic uses”.

All this, tejedenses regret the allegations, it is detrimental to a population that “You are entitled to a social and economic progress that is denied” “limiting traditional productive activities” When “It is one of the means to prevent population loss”.

Claims explain that several categories of area B the agricultural and livestock use incompatible, sometimes depending on the degree of anthropization, while the agroforestal use is compatible throughout the area, without distinction.

The reclassification of agricultural land, new limits on its slopes and concluded that those who have not been planted during 30 years lack productive potential, are other reviews.

Also regrets that digital plans “do not allow properly appreciate different individuals and details”, the delimitation of rural settlements and urban centers, so “not possible to make any claim” thereto, something “especially important” Tejeda because the municipal planning “It presents various errors”.