The objective of the agreement is to lower the tariff that the EU applies to the entry of bananas from Latin America, located in 176 EUR per tonne.

At the end of the seventh ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization, the Commissioner explained that the EU has reached an agreement with the Latin American and ACP countries, subtracting include Americans in agreement.

The countries of the ACP group (Africa, Caribbean and Pacific), you are exempt from this assessment, they did not want a reduction to its competitors and demanding compensation in the event that it is through.

The EU announced that it would try to compensate the ACP with a close support to the 190 million euros, ACP claimed to elevate it to 250 million and, According to the latest unconfirmed information, the figure would have agreed in 200 million.

The United States has much interest in the litigation because they are owners of many Latin American banana producing and exporting companies. So he rejected at the time, against the EU before the dispute settlement body.

For its part the EU relies on that agreement implies that all disputes are resolved by the same.

“We have the two main actors on board, but we also need Americans”, Fischer Boel explained. In this sense, the Commissioner stated that he was “happy” because of the U.S. trade representative, Ron Kirk, He had been willing to help in what they did lack to conclude the agreement.

The draft agreement provides for an immediate reduction of the tariff, with what would happen to 148 EUR per tonne, passing, by gradual cuts, to reposition themselves in the 114 euros in a maximum of ten years.