GC Cabildo aidThe council provides this support to the municipalities of the island in order to increase the quality and quantity of agricultural production and reduce dependence on foreign.

The Governing Council of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria has awarded a grant of 200.000 euros to municipalities, aimed at promoting the primary sector and increase the quality and quantity of agricultural production and livestock, in order to reduce external dependence and achieve increased economic activity on the island.

Through this direct grant for the implementation of "Municipal Actions to improve the primary sector in Gran Canaria", the council wants to support municipalities of the island to conduct activities in the primary sector for being the closest public administration to farmers.

Like this, the council granted 21.000 EUR, at the rate of one thousand euros, to subsidize institutional participation 21 municipalities in the Contest Exhibition held recently Ganado Selecto.

In addition, other 21.000 euros will go to courses handling of plant protection products baseline, 1.000 euros per course made. Although the idea is that each municipality organizes a course, if not perform any consistory, the council will allocate that amount to the municipalities to carry out more than one training action of this kind.

As for 158.000 remaining euros, the 35 percent will be distributed among municipalities equally, the 25 percent depending on the number of farms and 40 percent in proportion to a partition coefficient calculated using agricultural land and livestock Township.

In this way, the Council, by municipalities, will subsidize actions of farmers to improve their crops and livestock or being advised on species and breeds, and to facilitate the incorporation of young farmers to the field and develop some potential crops like coffee, oil or citrus, among others.

On the other hand, the Governing Council also approved a direct grant to the Insular Association for Food Production for Animal Consumption (PACA) by 36.000 EUR, to finance current expenditure and technical assistance arising from the transfer of use of the forage machinery Cabildo de Gran Canaria.