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City TreeThe artificial tree "Tree City" is capable of absorbing nitrogen dioxide and particulate air as they would 275 natural trees.

According to the World Health Organization, the 90 percent of the world's population breathe polluted air every day. Cities face every day a serious environmental problem due to air pollution.

To mitigate the effects of pollution alternatives have been proposed in order to alleviate the high levels of pollution in large cities.

One of these initiatives is called "City Tree" or "Tree City", a mobile structure containing a natural panel provided with a wall moss.

According to its creators, the artificial tree He is capable of absorbing nitrogen dioxide and particulate air as they would 275 natural trees. Like this, each absorbs 250 grams of particulate matter per day and capture 240 tonnes of CO2 per year.

CityTree 2The key to its performance is on the wall of moss, since this is an ideal plant to clean the air. In addition, It has automated supply of water and nutrients that works thanks to its solar panels. It is also connected to Internet for measuring filter performance and needs of plants.

"Moss has a much larger area than any other plant leaf. That means we can capture more pollutants ", seƱala Zhengliang Wu, founder Green City Solutions, Project creator.

The air filter is based on plants, allowing the resulting air is cooler by water evaporation. Like this, This artificial tree could also help regulate temperature and prevent heatstroke that have recently occurred in Europe so often.