Furthermore it was proved that the tomato extract improves cell regeneration of the organ, lowers oxidative stress markers and normalizes blood pressure....
As happened year and a half ago with FEDEX, the Supreme Court has given reason to tomatera employers of Tenerife, Aceto and ruling that there was no fraud in compensation to transport tomatoes in the year 2002....
Caideros farmhouse vegetable rennet Protected Designation of Origin Queso Flor de Guía, Media Flor cheese and cheese Guide Guide, Island of Gran Canaria, It has been voted "Best Queso de Canarias 2017"....
The Federation of fruit and vegetable producers in the province of Las Palmas, FEDEX, Growers and Exporters Association Tenerife, ACETO, They have completed the campaign 2016/2017 with a positive result regarding yields, market prices, good quality and supply maintenance....
A Canarian company complained to the Commission that there are companies in the Canary Islands applying for various grants in the REA for the same goods, which violates the rules....