rum-tasting-conferenceUntil the next 28 May the greatest experts in this drink will meet in Madrid.

Rum is the fastest growing category of alcoholic beverages in the world, with significant increases especially in Europe and specifically in Spain, where it has an impact on the consumption of 22%.

A growth that also stands out in other countries such as Germany, France and UK, among others, with new brands and new trends, in a market increasingly eager to try new experiences.

In fact, in the European market and in Spanish in particular, rum plans to position itself in a period not exceeding four years as the first distillate in national sales for the 2018. In this sense, many brands of rum will land in Spain in search of national distributors.

Everything related to this market scenario will be reflected for four days at the IV International Congress of Ron-Madrid 2015, which takes place from 25 to the 28 May in the capital and where the greatest experts in this drink will meet.

The Congress is integrated into different blocks:

Conferences, where a wide range of professionals will expose everything that surrounds this sugar cane distillate.

The IV International Tasting Contest 2015, that last year brought together a total of 192 references and in this edition hopes to beat the previous record.

The IRC Awards and the Festival, where all kinds of exhibitions will be held in cocktails with rum, cocktail bar contest, master class and tastings of various rums from all over the world.