Confirmed the "quality fraud" in oil Alcampo. COAG revealed that the product label breach the Community regulation 1019/2002 of 13 of June of 2002 on marketing standards for olive oil. Analyses in Granada and Cordoba show that Alcampo sold as "extra virgin" what was actually refined oil mixed with virgin olive oil.

Jaen COAG noted with satisfaction how the Department of Consumer Affairs of the Government of Andalusia has ratified the existence of a defect labeling on bottles of three and five liters of the Auchan brand, white label Alcampo, and it has proposed to sanction the company, for having put on sale olive oil labeled "extra virgin" without being, which is a quality fraud.

As he explained Consumption, Alcampo has committed two offenses typified, one for producing and distributing goods without properly fulfill the duties of information (failures labeling), and another for letting the quality of the goods offered (to sell something other than what the label says).

The first of offenses, which initially it was classified as mild, It has become serious because of the lack of the most basic duties of due diligence and its impact on the market. This may be punishable by a fine of 5.001 to 30.000 EUR. On the other hand, the second infringement is qualified as serious and punishment with fine would be like the first.

This investigation began in February last month, when COAG Jaen detected this irregularity in the supermarket chain it has in Linares and filed a complaint in the Consumer Service of the Provincial Delegation of Health, which he led to the taking of regulatory samples for shipment to the Agrifood Laboratories Atarfe (Granada) and Cordoba.

In this situation, the Andalusian gave Agreement initiation of administrative procedure of preventive measures, by which the ban on the sale and immobilization of the products was decided. In total, were immobilized almost 11.500 liters, spread over 2.241 five-liter bottles and 88 three liter bottles.

Consumption confirms now that, as he reported COAG, oil offered for sale by Alcampo violated regulations 1019/2002 of 13 of June of 2002 of the European Commission on marketing standards for olive oil.

In his article 3, that legislation specifies that the labeling of bottled olive oil must be collected for the category "extra virgin olive oil" information "olive oil obtained directly from olives and solely by mechanical means". Also, provides that olive oil -the containing refined olive oils and virgin olive oils- It should indicate that it is "oil comprising exclusively olive oils that have undergone refining and oils obtained directly from olives".

Now, Alcampo has the possibility of filing an appeal, so the sanction is not yet final. From COAG they hope the Administration pursues with zeal and severely punish fraudulent practices, exaggerating controls to prevent incorrectly labeled products can easily reach the linear, ensuring consumer interest and for the effort made by the producers to achieve a high quality oil ".