Code-marked-eggOnce aligned digits and letters detailing the line full traceability egg.

Accurate information about food for sale in the market leads to consumer safety and confidence in the product.

In this line, Interprofessional Organization and Egg Products (INPROVO) It is carrying out a campaign to inform the public about the European model of egg production, and marking, labeling and traceability of product.

Among the different pieces of information dissemination campaign that includes the figure the correct interpretation of the code marked on the egg, a series of eleven digits and letters detailing the complete line of product traceability, from the country of origin to the specific farm that has occurred.

The first number (0, 1, 2 from 3) indicates the type of production: 0: Egg organic production; 1: Egg hens; 2: Egg hens on the floor; and 3: Egg caged hens.

The following two letters inform the country of the European Union from which. In the case of Spain, the code is'. The following two figures indicate the province.

Then, three digits indicate the municipality. And, At last, three digits identify the specific farm within that municipality.