Glen tomato.With this initiative shop on line, PGI Tomate La Cañada aims to bring these tomatoes to any consumer who demands.

The 'richest tomato', unique in the awarded Protected Geographical Indication and cultivated in Los Llanos de la Cañada and Níjar country, Almería, and can be purchased through internet. A commitment to be closer to its customers has led to the IGP to launch their own shop on line.

In just a click you can be accessed through the web products that coalesce under the umbrella of the IGP. Like this, IGP customers can place orders through a single system that also lets you choose the delivery address and payment method on choosing a wide range of different containers and presentations for tomato.

Tomato the Canada.2The online store offers a selection of business types to satisfy the most discerning palates: branch, salad, baby pera, ox heart, kumato, the cherry cereza, pear and round.

In addition, for first time buyers who purchase tomatoes IGP via internet, They will enter the draw for a box of tomato taste better and more beneficial qualities that distinguishes the Protected Geographical Indication of La Cañada.

"With the launch of the online shop approach restoration professionals across the country in an easy way 'world's richest tomatoes' customers and without leaving home. union, the new technologies and tomato richest, of which we are convinced will be very successful ", Francisco Lopez explained, president of the IGP tomato La Cañada.