Cochino Black CanaryThe ULPGC and the Association of Black Pig Breeders of the Canary Islands sign a collaboration agreement.

The University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) and the Association of Black Pig Breeders of the Canary Islands (ACCNC) have signed a collaboration agreement for the development of joint action programs of an academic and research nature.

Agreement, signed by the Rector of the ULPGC, José Regidor García, and the President of the Association, Rafael Riera Cillanueva, Its objectives are to develop joint studies and research and collaborate in the training and improvement of research teachers, among others.

This framework agreement will make it easier to reach future collaboration agreements that will open up new lines of research on the breed.

Asinismo, will allow the ULPGC staff to continue carrying out studies, as well as the carrying out of internships by the students in the farms of the ACCNC members who wish to do so.

All this will result in greater knowledge about the breed and in the improvement of production for farmers, reducing expenses and improving sanitary aspects, environmental and zootechnical, according to Riera.