glyphosate.World Health Organization (WHO), He decided a few days ago to include glyphosate after several studies in different countries.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC, dependent on the World Health Organization) He has incorporated the active -principle glyphosate herbicide most widely used group of the world- to the list of likely human carcinogens for (substance group 2A IARC).

The addition of glyphosate to the list 2A “It is important because it confirms what several studies had anticipated, Pathogenicity of glyphosate and its harmful health efectyos”, according Ecologists in Action.

Human evidence derived from studies on exposure, mostly agricultural, In the USA., Canada, Sweden and published since 2001.

In addition, there is convincing evidence that glyphosate can also cause cancer in laboratory animals”, It indicates the IARC.

glyphosate (The N-fosfonometilglic, C3H8NO5P, CASE 1071-83-6) It is a nonselective herbicide broad spectrum, most often used to remove bad herbs called in agriculture and gardening.

Glyphosate is the active ingredient of the herbicide Roundup (registered trade name of Monsanto). Patent expired in this product 2000 and today there is a multitude of products for agricultural and gardening incorporating this active substance.