GC Executive Committee COAGDuring the ceremony it was a recognition of the area responsible tomato and migration, Guillermo Quintana.

COAG Canary Island held its Fourth Congress in Gran Canaria in order to discuss issues of particular interest to the primary sector, and proceed to the renewal of the executive committee.

Among the main concerns for the organization include the imbalance in the distribution of funds POSEI, the new Management Plan Insular de Gran Canaria, PIO, and the need for a more rational plan water allocation.

The insular secretary, Juan Hernandez, He emphasized the importance of the primary sector for any society and, especially, cuando se trata de territorios aislados como es el caso de nuestro Archipiélago.[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWkGnerldng&feature=youtu.be” width=”500″ height=”300″]

Then, Hernandez introduced the new executive committee insular, in which there are new additions and others continue, as is the case. There are eight men and one woman who ensure compliance with commitments administrations, as well as continued demand for the 'rights of farmers'.

In the closing ceremony he will be paid an emotional tribute to who was responsible for the area of ​​tomato and migration, Guillermo Quintana and his family, for its work, notably the action of the hunger strike carried out by seven women of La Aldea.

Guillermo Quintana and his wife.Quintana, and the support of his fellow COAG, arrope featured women as well as the Rector of the Cooperative COAGRISAN, President, Director General and several of its cooperators.

The president of COAG Canary, Rafael Hernández, highlighted human values ​​that led William to make an arduous and commendable work, in difficult times for the sector that allowed continuing activity.

After the tribute, They spoke the territorial director of Cajamar Caja Rural, Sergio Perez, responsible for the Spar chain, Angel Medina, and the president of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, José Miguel Bravo de Laguna.

All interventions influenced the slight improvement is also coming to the sector, and the need to continue cooperating closely to achieve a profitable activity and dignified.