pinzon-azul-gcFifteen blue finches incorporate this device to avoid extinction.

This species is endemic Finch Canary Islands whose population is at serious risk of extinction on the island after losing their habitat, so the Cabildo of Gran Canaria has worked for reforestation and started this new method of monitoring the Loose fifteen copies in the area of ​​El Cortijo de Huertas, under the Recovery Plan Blue Chaffinch it is developing in collaboration with the Government of the Canary Islands.

Loose finchesThe Minister of Environment of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, Juan Manuel Brito, I wanted to acknowledge the work done by technicians island, well “thanks to them the Cabildo de Gran Canaria has become a leading institution in the conservation and restoration of wildlife and native species”.

Technical project manager, Dolores Estévez, He explained that the release of specimens with radio transmitters It aims to study the movement of birds to see if they remain in the area or return to Inagua and, then, which route to follow, which will help decide which areas to reforest.

The Recovery Plan Blue Chaffinch of Gran Canaria It provides for the creation of several subpopulations of finches to join them, later, through corridors wooded.