FEDEX spokesman considers the importance of the modification of the reform because “This depends on the survival of the Canary Island fruit and vegetable sector, Since we must not forget that almost all of our revenues are obtained within the community. In this market the price level is so decisive by imports from third countries and the community offer.”

The entry price regime, established in the com, It aims to stabilize the Community market from imports of fruits and vegetables. Its inefficiency has led to be incentive sale losses, that is below the costs of production, even of producing third countries, and the “dumping” social. The consequences are destructive about the income of Community producers and our productive fabric. But it has, In addition, negative effects on the incomes of small producers and workers from third countries.

This situation occurs, According to Goiriz, by the Community legislation deficient it allows importers to avoid the payment of the specific customs duties, normally payable when prices or import values fall below the prices of entry, declaring customs values fraudulent, even during long periods of time.

Poor and ineffective Community regulations of this regime has been the subject of analysis and resulting recommendations for reform, both by different bodies of the Commission and the Member States, over the past ten years. It should be noted in this regard four findings of the research carried out by OLAF (European fight Anti Fraud Office), caused by the complaint filed by sector in February of the year 2004, fraud in the import of tomatoes from Morocco:

1. OLAF has confirmation by the DG TAXUD after several meetings of the Customs Code Committee, section value, that “the method of calculation adopted by the importers had no other goal than the avoid the payment of additional duties normally payable”.

2. OLAF recommended in view of the position of TAXUD modify item 5 of the regulation (CE) NO. 3223/94, currently article 139 of the regulation (CE) NO. 1580/2007, allowing the importer to choose how to declare value to customs for the purpose of paying the duties.

3. It transacts the DG AGRI problems caused by Community regulations.

4. It is noted that the permanence of the same tricks could put at risk the Community production.

All Community producers organizations, as the members of the European Group of producers of tomato, they have asked repeatedly during the last ten years the reform of prices for entry without result, appealing as a last resort to the European Ombudsman in July of 2009.

For these reasons, the sector has been asking, and finally was accepted at the meeting last Tuesday 9 November, the intervention of the European Parliament so as to require, as he did so, the Commission reform of regulation (CE) NO. 1580/2007, in order that meets the following objectives: first, ensure the respect of the levels of import prices established in the regime; and second, guarantee the payment of the duties payable if the markets of import prices fall below the levels established in the system of entry prices.

This reform would contribute significantly to prevent the “dumping” Economic and social on the Community market and to maintain the income of Community producers, said Goiriz.