b98eb4e6d4e5af022817653939abd5f0_XL55 beekeepers from 18 municipalities have already submitted 102 honey samples in the categories of coast, summit and mediocrities.

This edition of the contest unfolds, during the days 8 and 9 October, in the restaurant of El Corte Ingles, It is marked by two developments. The first corresponds to the two-day extension to the high participation.

The second occurs in the categories go from "coast, summit or medianías "to" clear honey, amber and dark ". The organization justifies this change because in practice and everyday these categories become operational shortly, since the term consumer “costa” o “summit” It does not provide specific information. Especially, considering how fragmented our territory and range of our bees.

For this reason, late last year proposed changing the traditional categories and classify honey depending on their color. In this sense, the color is a physical property that inherently depends on honey and can be measured by colorimetry.

Hence the amendment now becomes the clear Honeys, Amber and Dark honeys honeys. Honeys are typically clear the citrus, tajinaste or barrilla, for example. Amber they are characteristic of a large floral crowd, such as eucalyptus honey, relinchón or thistle. The dark brown are characteristic, avocado or honeydew.

It has also set a maximum of four samples submitted per participant, not being able to present more than two in the same category, and if they come from the same settlement they apiculture are necessarily different crops.

Once the deadline for the contest closed 2014, Have been received 55 registration, of which, 26 involved in the mode of “professional beekeeper”, 28 as “amateur beekeeper” and a request corresponds to a beekeeping association that packaged honey in their own facilities.

Good weather and acceptance of the contest by the beekeeping sector has meant that this has increased participation, passing the 26 participant in 2012 and the 38 in 2013 to the 55 this edition.

The participation of beekeepers beekeeping according to exploitation by municipalities (18) is the next:
-Agüimes: 2
-Artenara: 4
-gáldar: 2
-Wit: 6
-La Aldea de San Nicolás: 10
-Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: 1
-Mogán: 1
-Moya: 1
-San Bartolomé de Tirajana: 4
-santa Brigida: 2
-St. lucia: 2
-Santa María de Guía: 2
-Tejeda: 1
-counted: 7
-Terror: 1
-Valleseco: 1
-Valsequillo: 7
-Vega de San Mateo: 1

In total there have been 102 honey samples. All of them are being analyzed in the Service Agroalimentario of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria to check compliance with the physiochemical parameters set forth in the Bases of the Contest.

Phase blind tasting will take place at the premises of the English Court of Mesa and Lopez de Las Palmas during the day 8 and 9 October in schedule 17:00 to 20:00 hours. The tasting panel is made up of recognized experience tasters they have been formed since the beginning of the Contest Gran Canaria. Some even come from other islands of the archipelago.