minipera coagrisanCooperative prepares sending the first mini pear tomatoes, for the Dutch GreenCO.

Following the signing of the Business Alliance COAGRISAN signed between the cooperative and the Dutch company leader in the sector of 'snack vegetables' Greenco last June, we proceeded to the harvest of the first fruits: 1.500 kilos of mini plum tomatoes varieties Angello, Seychelles y Summersun.

Cultivo miniperaThe initial agreement He has allocated 3,5 hectares, distributed in four greenhouses of the cooperative of La Aldea, in which the first have cultivated varieties proposed by Greenco. The quality and quantity obtained in the first crop They point to a future increase in surface area and new varieties.

In the ten years that just turned this Dutch group, Greenco has positioned itself as the first and biggest producer and packager of snack vegetables your country.

Greenco He has chosen the cooperative by Coagrisan reliability and proven quality their tomatoes on the European market, said the director of Greenco, Auke Smit, He is adding that his company needs this product for the season that is not produced in the Netherlands.

Auke Smit explained that GreenCO philosophy is based on growth and innovation. This is reflected both in culture, the production, packaging and marketing approach. How to present the concept of 'vegetable snacks' on the market, It has been widely praised nationally and internationally and highlighted as major breakthrough in the field of marketing of fruits and vegetables.

The last edition of Fruit Logistica in Berlin, He called on the Greenco top five of the best tomato producers in the world. Great recognition and encouragement to continue on the line that we have set, says Smit.

The chief operating GreenCO, René Zwinkels, He is the one that has been working directly with the technical team of the details of the crop Coagrisan. In this way They have rated excellent its development, and the first harvest this mini plum tomato which it has led to exceptional packaging field.

mini pearThe first contingent part tomorrow to Netherlands, is formed two pales over 1.500 kilos of mini plum tomatoes, of the three varieties that have higher demand in the European market.

As you progress October and November They will continue to increase significantly shipments. The technicians explain that although the weather was atypical, current temperatures are allowing optimum maturity and continued growth of plants.

The tomato shortage they are suffering European markets caused by various circumstances, among which include the harsh climate in northern central Europe, the diversion of quotas from Morocco to Russia, weather conditions in cultures of the Peninsula and reduced shipments from other countries, presage make a good start for the Canary tomato harvest.