The European Commissioner for Agriculture, Dacian Ciolos, has announced the approval of the withdrawal of vegetables and fruits that are affected by the ban established by the Russian Federation on the import of agri-food products.
After an emergency meeting, Ciolos has indicated that in this case it is applied to peach and nectarine, what are the products affected at this time, but that it will not hesitate to apply these measures to any product that is affected by the Russian import ban.
Withdrawals, that will take effect from the same Monday 11, will be financed one hundred percent in the cases that are carried out by producer organizations and distributed free of charge to schools and hospitals. In the case of non-associated producers, financing will be from 50 percent. The amount to be paid by the Commission is approximately 70 percent of production costs.
At the moment the withdrawal has been approved for the 10 percent of peach and nectarine production, which are the products that are currently being affected, but as Ciolos has indicated “we are monitoring the markets closely and I will not hesitate to do the same to assist other sectors that depend on Russian exports if necessary”.
“I have been very clear that I would not hesitate to act and use the new Common Agricultural Policy (PAC) modernized to ensure timely assistance, proportional and market oriented”, has indicated Ciolos, who made it clear that “urgent action is needed to support the market and I intend to act immediately”.
Complete list of vegetables and fruits affected by the Russian ban:
Fresh or chilled: Fresh or chilled potatoes, fresh or chilled tomatoes, onions, chalotes, garlic, leeks and other alliaceous vegetables, coles, cauliflowers, kale, kohlrabi and other products of the genus brassica; lettuce and chicory, including endive; carrots, turnips, salad beets, salsifíes; cucumbers and pickles; legumes, including unsheathed; the rest of the vegetables.
In addition, the importation of frozen vegetables or even cooked with water or steam is also prohibited.; those provisionally preserved, legumes and dried vegetables either whole or in pieces, sprayed or; whole shelled dried legumes, shelled or split; cassava roots (Yucca), arrurruz, ointment, sago.
Melons, fresh watermelons and papayas; fresh or dried citrus; grapes and raisins; cocos, Brazil nuts and cashew nuts, even without shell; fresh or dried nuts, even shelled or hulled; bananas and bananas (including plantains) fresh or dried; dates, figs, piñas, avocados, guayabas, mangoes and mangosteens, fresh or dried; apples, pears and quinces (fresh); albaricoques, cherries, peaches, nectarines, plums and sloes (fresh); other fresh fruits; Frozen fruits, uncooked or cooked with water or steam, or even sugary or sweetened; provisionally preserved fruits; other nuts.