Under the title “Export cultivation papayo”, the cooperative COPARLITA provide a briefing on the premises of the entity 24 February at 17:00 hours.
President COPARLITA, Justo Ramirez, It is reported about the new initiative to undertake this Cooperative, adding to the already undertaken by its counterpart in the south of Tenerife, Coagisora and Coplaca.
Ramirez explained that the current situation of agricultural production in the Canary Islands export is centered on banana and tomato, both backward. For this reason, from Coparlita intended to join this initiative which can be an alternative to these two traditional crops.
In this line, from Coparlita they have called for farmers from the village to see first hand this new company that aims to provide a new market for a product already known by villagers producers.
Ramirez said the village has the necessary factors of climate and soil for growing this species, as it has demonstrated the harvest of red varieties or lady relady. Currently, Village has seven bushels devoted to the cultivation of papaya internal market.
Coparlita the proposed initiative seeks to expand subtracted surface destined, preferably, Export. To do this, They try to bring together the producers concerned in order to join the experience that they are developing Coagisora and Coplaca.
Coparlita has sown 30.000 Intenzza plants of the variety and its forecast is to reach one hundred thousand plants, Ramirez said. This bet is to unify the Canarian production towards a market incipient demand this fruit for health reasons, preferably.
President Coparlita reported that, once the producing zones are defined in Canary, It will work on creating a Protected Geographical Identification, IGP, Papaya Canary Islands in order to differentiate it from other competitors.
The talk will be attended by representatives of the Cooperative Coagisora, Coplaca and company Seed Distributors Caribbean.