Last week saw the information day on the export papaya cropspeakers which it was attended by producers and technicians Village, as well as other parts of the island.

About 70 people flocked to the proposal made by Coparlita and attended Adán Hdez., Pipo representative and Adam S.L.. Seed distributors Caribbean; Carlos Lopoez, Coagisora ​​technician cooperative and Sergio Rodríguez, technician producer organization Coplaca.

Adán Hdez. and Carlos López were responsible for addressing the technical part of the crop variety-based “intenzza” de papayo. The possibilities offered by this seed affect the organoleptic qualities of the fruit and the factors that must be met for optimal export.

On the other hand, Sergio Rguez. He reported on the market around this fruit, whose main competitors are Brazil and Mexico at this time.

Shipments have been made to the continent, They have noted the possibilities raised by this alternative crop, What “it can never be a substitute for tomato or banana”, the speakers.

The cooperative southern Tenerife, Coagisora, He has two years of experience diversifying production this crop. In this time they have accumulated enough experience to take the first steps with the commercialization of this fruit and make room in the market.audience

One goal of the conference was to show this experience and the villagers producers propose this alternative, Since, on this occasion, They pretend not to repeat mistakes made with other productions and priority criteria unit, production and marketing.

One of the lines considered is the creation of a Protected Geographical Identification, IGP, papayo that differentiates the Canary Islands as own brand and offer greater cache fruit.

Villagers showed great ointerés producers and anticipation of this new production opportunity knowing that the municipality has the climate for the cultivation and development of this variety.