1414573744281In an Assembly held last week at the Casino de Antigua, agreed to delegate to the Platform the defense of the interests of the Majorero cattlemen.

Under the motto "FOR A FAIR DEAL OF THE POSEI", and with this slogan as the only item on the agenda of this Assembly, the Fuerteventura Livestock Platform, PGF, informed the farmers in detail of the steps taken in defense of the interests of the sheep-goat sector of the Canary Islands.

The Cattlemen's Assembly makes it clear that this sector "feels marginalized and unduly represented, allowing the Government of the Canary Islands to make an unfair distribution of community funds and own funds ".

The Fuerteventura Cattlemen Assembly agreed to delegate the PGF to continue taking the necessary actions to defend the interests of Majorero cattlemen, and take the measures you deem appropriate to achieve what is fair for this sector.

The farmers present at the Assembly, They directly alluded to the highest political leaders of Fuerteventura and directly condemned those responsible for Agriculture and Livestock of the Government of the Canary Islands for “blatantly marginalizing the sheep - goat of the Canary Islands”.

The farmers criticize that “it is not fair that the only money that the Canary Government puts for the additional financing of POSEI this year, which amounts to € 5M, is entirely destined for the tomato sector, without any technical reason, nor economic. That is, Community funding is for bananas and the additional for tomatoes ", conclude.