TejerinaThe Government rejects pressure from the EC and maintains its application model.

Minister of Agriculture, Food and environment, Isabel García Tejerina, He has ensured that from 20015 it will come to an end “the farmer sofa”, to mean that aid under the common agricultural policy (PAC) the period 2014-2020 They will be linked to economic activity and not the maintenance of land, as it has stressed from the European Commission on the amendments submitted to the Government for the implementation of land reform.

In fact, the minister has made clear that this is the decision “of the government”, confirming that a position be adopted at national level, apart from considerations Brussels. Isabel García Tejerina has made this statement during his speech at the Forum on Agriculture.

García Tejerina explained that CAP subsidies in Spain will be only for those farmers who develop an economic activity linked to the territory where they are settled and will be well, from 2015, by decision of the Government of Spain.

Agriculture already said in June last year their interest to withdraw this aid to landlords for professionals in the field, especially after it became known that the wife of former and current Agriculture Commissioner for Energy, Miguel Arias Canete, He received 150.000 euros from European funds when her husband was minister.

Also, the minister said that the Executive headed by Mariano Rajoy has been able to negotiate for farmers and stockbreeders, something that, his trial, It not envisioned at the start of trading, when the Spanish government was led by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.

With this position, the Magrama supports the position of all agricultural organizations, who resented that the draft be modified active farmer for the benefit of those who, taking land, They had no obligation to cultivate, but only to 'keep', as the EC itself stated in its submissions to the Spanish model implementation of the CAP.