What started as a solution from an Italian producer to prevent their watermelons from breaking on shipments, the Japanese who went ahead took advantage of it to register the patent. What was initially considered one more eccentricity of the Japanese has become a three-figure business.
The Italian farmer, Franco Feroldi, he was the father of this idea back in 1997 What, after achieving the first square watermelon, crossed borders and became known worldwide.
When in the summer of 2001 the Japanese released their square watermelon presenting it as their own invention, Feroldi declared that it was not a Japanese invention. However, the world fell apart when he discovered that his patent application had been rejected by the Italian bureaucracy in the year 2000, apparently by what they called a “lack of realization inventory”.
For now, the first units coming to market are being sold in department stores in Osaka and Tokyo and will even be shipped abroad. Farmers from Zentsuuji City report that they have already received 114 orders from Canada and have prepared around 250 square watermelons for export.
To achieve this shape, placed in a plastic box and, as it matures, is taking the shape of a cube. However, curiously, square watermelons are not eaten.
This fruit is harvested before it matures and is primarily intended for display.. In Japan they are common as gifts to decorate. The Japanese have a tradition of offering presents several times a year and fruits are considered luxury items..
These watermelons cost at least 100 dollars and they are sold in luxury department stores. Now, foreign markets have also targeted the fashion of this luxury square item.
Last year these fruits were shipped to Moscow, where they were so successful that they sold for around 860 $.
In total, six farmers are planned to grow almost this year 400 square watermelons. Shipments will end around mid-July.
A Kagawa official has stated that after the success, they intend to increase production capacity and increase supply abroad, to meet the high demand for this peculiar watermelon.