perpignanIn November last year barely reached 64%.

The contingent of Moroccan tomato exports to the European Union (EU) in the week 49 It is estimated at 10.597 tons, showing an increase of 20% from last week and at the same time the campaign 2014-15, According to data collected by the Observatory of Prices and Markets, prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development of the Government of Andalusia.

In the month of November, Morocco has consumed 75% tomato quota authorized for export to the EU, while at the same time last season did not exceed 64%. In December, the quota available totals 43.500 tons.

On the other hand, the zucchini quota exported to the EU has been quantified in 1.479 tons, a figure 117% higher than in the same week in the previous season, when torrential rains in the main producing areas of Morocco smashed much of the country zucchini plantations. The total quota consumed by Morocco amounted to 7.154 tons, a 9% above records last season.

As for the analysis of prices, there has been a general rise in tomato prices throughout the week, except in the case of tomato branch depreciates after soaring last week.

Central European production has benefited from an excessively warm autumn allowed tomato extend their campaign until almost reached December and get a good harvest fall crops without using only artificial means to increase the brightness and temperature. Tomato supply in the Netherlands and Belgium has been significant until virtually the last week hurting Spanish product marketing.

Weather conditions in Morocco, as it has happened in Europe, They were uncharacteristically warm until mid-November, which it has favored an increase in production over last season, which it has hindered marketing mainly long life type, which continues with an average price below 0,40 euros per kilo in the period analyzed.

Trade relations between Russia and Turkey have suffered in late November. This has favored Moroccan tomato exports to Russia easing some extent entries tomato to Europe through Perpignan.