RedPROMAR contributes to the knowledge of ongoing changes and alterations that occur, both in terms of habitats and species level.
Observers Network in the Canary Islands Marine Environment (RedPROMAR), intended for the monitoring and surveillance of marine life in the archipelago has, just over a year of operation, more than 300 'Observers sea’ they have made a record through its digital platform ( of marine species in the archipelago.
It finds the Canary Islands Government, Network drives this through the General Directorate for Nature Protection to add this record is based on the cooperation of citizens, and mainly in the sectors linked to the marine environment, “which has expanded significantly the state of knowledge of ecosystems canaries since its inception, in June last year”.
This platform aims to assess, analyze and predict changes that are occurring at the level of species and ecosystems, “so it is a tool of great scientific interest, as it enables real-time monitoring of marine ecosystems of the Canary Islands”, adds the Executive.
also RedPROMAR “It contributes to the knowledge of the constant changes and alterations that occur, both in terms of habitats and species level, motivated by various factors such as the increase in water temperature, acidification of the oceans or oxygen depletion (O2), among others”.
In this respect, la Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza, que dirige Sinesia Medina, anima a la contribución ciudadana “con sus aportaciones gráficas e informativas en la plataforma cuando avisten especies o ecosistemas que puedan generar interés científico”.
También esta herramienta ha permitido registrar especies marinas en el archipiélago, evaluando su evolución, principalmente de aquellas que despiertan interés (especies catalogadas, exóticas, relevantes para los ecosistemas canarios) y ha contribuido a la gestión del medio marino y un sistema de vigilancia y alerta para los fenómenos de proliferación de organismos marinos (medusas, floraciones algales, entrada de especies exóticas invasoras,).
Finally, con la RedPROMAR se ha facilitado, In addition, el acceso a la información tanto al ciudadano como a las instituciones interesadas a fin de que contribuyan al conocimiento global de los océanos y a la incorporación de datos al Banco de Datos de Biodiversidad de Canarias.