The City of Santa Lucia has initiated a series of actions, through the Service Embark Saint Lucia, to empower the primary sector in the municipality. “Land and water available will be the key to give you an opportunity to agriculture and livestock, Today precarious, to deal with the crisis ".

In addition to its firm commitment to local trade, the City of Santa Lucia also wants to empower the primary sector as one of the key factors for economic revival of the city. "It is inconceivable that in our town, throughout the region and on the island, there are many abandoned land and abundant water, while there remains a high unemployment rate among the population and bring you were a 92% Fruit and vegetables we consume ", says the mayor, Silverio Matos.

Among the actions undertaken by the Saint Lucia to empower the sector is the creation of fifty Huertos Food Guarantee, aimed at promoting sustainable agricultural activity with a social character. To access these plots have preferred the township people with dependents, retirees, prepensioners partial or disabled, they are socially disadvantaged for employment integration or unemployed, among other requirements.

According to the Councilor for Agriculture, Ofelia Alvarado, "We maintain the submission of applications to meet the interest of citizens to avail themselves of this program to enhance the primary sector, because we have other initiatives in place to promote it, such as the lowering of irrigation water, agricultural advice and creating a pocket of land that are negotiating with the owners ".

From Saint Lucia believe that urban gardens, diversification of agriculture, the use of techniques increasingly sustainable, together with the experience of hundreds of people who know how to produce land, They may be the future and hope.