to write, drawing or just doodling with a pencil offers hard feelings to match those of a pen or marker. His wooden body, circular or hexagonal, more pleasant to the touch, but as we use is decreasing in size until it's too short to continue using.
It is then when we get rid of the pencil because it is almost impossible to continue to use.
Aware of the thousands of millions of pencils that do not reach the end of their useful life by the inability to handle, Several designers worked on the idea of giving continuity to conclude the cycle of life.
So they created Sprout, a pencil that wants to be a plant, just stop being useful for writing. When it is too short to write, Sprout plant to grow herbs, flowers and even trees to get wood to make more pencils.
Its design is simple, but useful to perpetuate plant life on the planet. The Sprout pencil contains several seeds inside. When it is impossible to continue using, you can plant at home, in the office, in classrooms or gardens.
Sprout is available with a variety of seeds whose size is adapted to the capsule which is inserted therein: calendula, cilantro, tomate cherry, dill, Eggplant, Mint, parsley, radish, Romero, Sage, thyme and tomatoes are some of the seeds available to.
This pencil of life after death has no eraser because their creators do not want to make mistakes. They would have had to sacrifice the overall quality, plus the cost and complexity. It was completely wrong. Nor they have wanted to add unnecessary paints and colors.
The seed capsule by water after dissolving the protective capsule allows the start of seed germination is activated. Once activated “the circle of life” outbreaks usually occur around a week on average, according to the seed and environmental conditions.
So that always a success, They have included at least three seeds in each capsule pen to maximize probabidades successful germination.
Without a doubt, for those who still use pencils against keyboards, It is the most environmentally friendly option that can be done, while making an educational element and first order awareness.
For now, Sprout is available in: