Broccoli lilac, sweet pepper, seeded, an apparatus for converting frozen desserts or ice cold fruit or an interactive website for salad lovers, among others, compete with roasted sweet potato presented by the Spanish company Campo Rico to win the prize FLIA 2012.
Innovations are presented to more than 56.000 professionals from 125 countries between days 8 and 10 February at the booth FLIA which is between Halls 20 and 21 the Fruit Logistica. Visitors are responsible for selecting the first two days of the fair they consider most outstanding innovation.

The Innovation Award Fruit Logistica, what in 2011 He won an innovative citrus from New Zealand (Limeburst), It attracts the interest of the media worldwide. The award aims to reward innovations in the fresh produce sector and its service industries, like new products or services that have had a positive impact on the market.

Prepared and roasted potato, the novelty of Campo Rico, Sevilla.

The 'roasted sweet potatoes Campo Rico’ They are a novelty precooked. They can be eaten on the spot or put them in the microwave to heat. Se envasan al vroasted potatoacuum trays bag called 'foodtainer'. Each tuber weighs about 600 to 800 grams and has no additives or other preservative or chemical substance, also they not used during production.

The duration of the packaged product is about four months without having to freeze. The production process is also responsible for sweet potatoes, without gluten, present all the organoleptic characteristics of fresh potatoes.

Broccoli lilac (Bejo Zaden, Holland)

'Brécol con bbroccolirotes de color lila’ It is a new variety of broccoli with dark lilac buds. Several classes available, specially adapted for production in summer, autumn and winter special development conditions. Buds reach a length 10 to 15 cm and its packaging is made in different sizes.

According to data provided by the company producing this new variety it has a higher nutritional value than traditional. Broccoli with lilac bouquets consist of very tasty stems and buds in full bloom. It meets in its classic flavor broccoli a delicate sense of smell asparagus. It is a new vegetable that puts some color on the plate and thus becomes an interesting product for the Food Service sector.

Acc, a tropical fruit originating in Australia South America (Bud Holland, Holland)

G 'Acc’ It comes from the Bolivian Amazon basin, but its marketing currently operates from Australia. Bri has an orangeAccllante and a relatively thick shell. It is available in four different sizes: less than 40 grams; between 40 and 60 grams; and more of 60 grams. This fruit can be easily opened perceiving a burst light. The pulp remembers something a sorbet and its aroma is sweet and cool. The bark can be used for beverages, Fruit juice cocktail or ice cream.

These fruits can be stored for months in closed containers over 10 degree temperature. Its most outstanding properties are high in antioxidants and other nutrients. Fruit Logistica in bags will be distributed and packaged for gift with Bolivian motifs along with brochures and leaflets about the product.

yonanass, the apparatus for cold desserts with frozen fruit (Healthy Foods, IN THE)

El ‘Yonanas Healthy Frozen Treat Maker’ It is a new kitchen appliance with which it can be converted only frozen fruit and ice cold desserts. Con 'Yonanas’ It can transform and create each consumer taste more delight.

Very appropriate treatment are for example very ripe bananas, but also other types of fruits that have been frozen before and may have to be discarded. This device is easy to handle and clean. The idea is an invention that is provided by Eileen MacHale and Brian Machovina and the device was developed by Healthy Foods.

Rio 100%, a fresh juice fresh pineapple (McCarter, Slovakia)riofresh

‘Rio 100% fresh pineapple juice’ It is a fresh squeezed juice also contains pieces of fruit. The addition of both pieces of fruit is what makes the difference. The consumer has a completely different taste. Not only the flavor intensifies, also produces a pleasant feeling to drink this juice it makes a refreshing snack. The preparation is made exclusively with premium fruits.

In manufacturing, the product is not heated nor preservatives added whatsoever. It is safe from microorganisms and their natural flavor and vitamins do not go away. It is sold in containers 450 PET bottle type milliliters. This juice pineapple has a period of four months until expiration.

Pattrusspatruss WITH, a new concept of bag (Pattruss, Japan)

La 'Pattruss Z’ It is a new conception bag with an original design in a triangle, contributing to product protection and saves space during transport. To better preserve quality, for example salads ready to eat, bag articulates a zipper type closure reusable several times. The material is resistant to open and close the bag frequently, but it can also rip by any party to use the product without waste of time. La bolsa 'Z Pattruss’ It is made in various sizes and can thus be adapted to the conditions required by the client in each case. Also the type of packaging material may be chosen depending on the products intended to be packaged., virtual tool for lovers ensaldas (rich Zwann, Holland)
lovemy gathers fans of horticultural products worldwide to share their passion for salads and vegetables. To do this, It attracts consumers with features such as blogs, news, recipes and preparation tips, Love My Salad represents the ideal place for professionals to come into direct contact with the consumer.
What makes unique is that both professionals and consumers can engage in debates on topics such as varieties, flavors and recipes, the inspired one another and ultimately encouraging global consumption of horticultural products. Love My Salad makes optimum use of social media channels such as Twitter, Facebook y YouTube.

acidDry acid and frosty (SIA Amberbloom, Latvia)

The 'dry frosty Cido’ It is made from a special strain of 'japonica Chaenomeles', better known as Japanese quince or Nordic lemon. It is a very popular fruit in Latvia.

This fruit frost and dried with a special technology without preservatives or other additives. All that is added is a syrup of glucose and fructose to preserve consistency and color. His inimitable sweet-acid flavor Cido makes an excellent snack that finds its application in kitchens, yogurts, ice cream, muesli or fruit compositions, berries, nuts or infusions and other sweets. The product is available in various shapes and sizes: cut pieces, Diced or scrapings.

Angello, a sweet and seedless pepper (Syngenta Seeds, Holland)

Peppers' Angello sweet & without seeds’ They are a new variety of pepper baby red. In shape resemble a rounded cone, They are sweet and crunchy bite. They can be consumed alone or added to salads. This fruit has an intense and bright red and is characterized by a thin skin. They are between 5 and 10 centimeters and weigh 10 to 30 grams each. They are an excellent source of vitamin C and are available all year, as its production goes from Spain to Israel and reaches Netherlands. The 'Peppers Angello’ They sold in consumer-sized bags. This product has been tested for on site market research producer and other partners involved in the project: Bakkavor y The Greenery.

Sungreen, a new variety of green cherry tomato (Tokita Seed, Japan)

sungreen‘Sungreen’ It is a new variety of green cherry tomato average weight of 20 grams. The calyx of the flower is long and straight and is attached to the fruit. The skin color varies between dark and light green when ripe fruits. The fruit pulp has good body and is very crisp. Brix (ratio of sucrose) It has an average of 8, a value that allows you to compete anytime with red varieties and is the highest among the green varieties. The taste of the 'Sungreen’ is an accomplished balance between sweet and acid with an aromatic note of lemon. Not take lycopene, but instead it contains an appreciable amount of glutamic acid and a 50% aminobutyric acid range over the ripe red cherry tomatoes. The development phase for 'Sungreen’ It was five years with application of conventional methods and field trials in various regions of Japan and other countries.