Dedicated preferably to the agricultural and forestry field, Agroforestal Atlántida has achieved maximum efficiency and effectiveness in water management, managing to make real orchards from a humble drop of water.


Emilio Navarro has dedicated almost all his life to the generation of biodiversity wherever he has passed, vocation that he learned from his father and that, with the years, has managed to transform their way of life and livelihood.

From the west of Gran Canaria to the world; the possibilities offered by the internet window are countless, which undoubtedly contributes to solving the unfortunate maxim of our culture: “you are not a prophet in your land”. This is how Emilio Navarro has understood it, who has launched a website of his professional activity.

The catalog of services it offers is one of the most complete in its category, supported by the results of the autonomous irrigation system; a patented device that allows you to automate periodic watering without the need for batteries or power supply.

Among the environmental actions that Agroforestal Atlántida offers is the conditioning of water sources, location and outcrop, the mist catcher facility, water storage with maximum performance and installation of the autonomous irrigation system.

One of Emilio's main achievements consisted in optimizing the reforestation that had been carried out on the island. To do this, he decided to change the model that had been used and apply the principle “water is life”, began to apply assisted irrigation in the early years.

The results were so spectacular that since then no repopulation has been carried out in which the water supply is not guaranteed to guarantee the survival of the planted specimens..

Emilio Navarro acknowledges with great modesty that this fact, which, on the other hand, entailed a high cost to the Administration with few results, It was the result of observing nature and applying the way of proceeding.

The particular conditions of general drought and unstable rainfall - with their increasingly frequent devastating effects- requires that the repopulation of the southwest area of ​​the island be carried out in areas close to water sources.

Once the water supply is guaranteed, For these repopulations to prosper, control of feral animals must be maintained, preferably goat cattle that cause irreparable damage to private farms and endemic flora that, in some cases, is on the brink of extinction.

In addition to these performances, the company works in the conservation of Biodiversity and protection of endangered species. To do this, it collects plant material, mainly seeds, of singular specimens of autochthonous flora. This material is made available to the forestry nurseries of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria for its reproduction.

The abandonment of the towns and villages in the interior has led to the loss of trails, ravines and traditional paths through which the traffic of this part of the island ran, not more than fifty years ago.

In order to prevent their disappearance and for the enjoyment of the population and environmental tourism, Agroforestry Atlántida rehabilitates, signals and maintains those routes that the administrations hire it, carrying out cleaning work, clearance, traditional cobblestones and pipes.

For this action, it is essential to have pack animals to transport the material, rescuing the profession of muleteer. Like this, the company has five mules and donkeys that carry out this work, both in own works and in subcontracted services.

Regarding the recovery of roads, Emilio Navarro expresses his dissent with the procedures of the administrations: It is not conceivable that the quintessential area of ​​the Gran Canaria Biosphere Reserve, does not have a network of trails in good condition.

This part of Gran Canaria has great potential to offer, not only environmental but also as a job outlet for possible initiatives that can be developed. However, the administrations in general have ignored the most important: the maintenance and rehabilitation of these trails, Emilio points out.

More recent are the actions in the treatment of cane fields that, due to the abandonment of agricultural activity, These pose a serious risk to the maintenance of biodiversity due to the displacement of local flora and the ease of spreading fire.

Your last bet is the creation and installation of “Floating Islands” in dams, reservoirs and ponds. Emilio maintains that these structures activate the aquatic ecosystem increasing biodiversity. Also, improve water quality and create quiet habitats that promote bird reproduction, offering food and protection.

In short, Emilio Navarro defines the philosophy of his initiative in the following sentence: ” We are specialists in water management for environmental purposes, offering practical and sustainable solutions”.

The company's website is: