Visit Bama4This is one of the evaluations, about the product, the process of production and handling, more demanding in the world.

Chief Purchasing the Norwegian group BAMA, Elisabeth Rittfeldt, and the Head of Quality, Fredrik Stobbe, visited crops and facilities of the Cooperative COAGRISAN, in order to carry out the assessment and quality control.

During the visit were accompanied by Vice COAGRISAN, Rogelio Rodriguez, the director-general, Jacinto Godoy, members of the Governing, the entire team coach and head of Fortuna Frutos in Rotterdam, Gert-Jan Slobbe.

Comprehensive evaluation began in receiving fruit and subsequent handling, for selecting different categories and trademarks.

Compliance with standards and requirements of some international certifications, sometimes, remain they minimized to the requirements made by this group to its vendors.

Admittedly COAGRISAN in this evaluation was ahead and on merit. The recent nomination and subsequent finalist for the award for best supplier of the year in this group, They confirm that COAGRISAN is among the best.

After the tour of the facility and warehouse packed, Chief Purchasing BAMA, He explained the origin of the Norwegian giant that dates back to 1886.

visit Bama9Currently, It has a modern hiperterminal in Oslo of 45,000m2 and other 50 terminals scattered throughout the country, to meet the demand of the stores that are shared between the capital and most northerly point, Honningsvåg, that far 1.946 kms.

The group has BAMA 2.000 used to supply the 4.000 shops that exist in Norway, having an annual turnover of 1.500 million euros.

Elisabeth Rittfeldt explained in terms refers tomato, the group's turnover reaches one hundred million euros, of which a considerable portion is invested in consumer education.

In addition, tomato demand continues to rise. Norwegian consumer values ​​very positively product quality, but much more health benefit reporting will, and lycopene tomato has a very important role, said Rittfeldt.

The chief buyer of BAMA showed several graphs which shows that while consumption of fruits and vegetables in Europe experienced a notable decline, Norway is very significant increase.

Elisabeth Rittfeldt told that Agroaldea, since his last visit seven years ago COAGRISAN, tomato this cooperative has improved exponentially, In fact the group is the first customer in volume.

Tomato ask 'Novy' (one of the four trademarks of COAGRISAN) in Norway, means obtained by response that is synonymous with quality, warranty, safety and healthy fruit, says Elisabeth Rittfeldt.

On this visit I have seen the change that has been occurring in recent years, which it has resulted in an increased volume of our purchases. The arrangement of the cooperative, seriousness, the facilities, the attention of technicians and their constant bet on innovation and research, for us are very important values, said Elisabeth Rittfeldt.

On the other hand, Chief Quality BAMA, Fredrik Stobbe, coincides with Rittfeldt, and adds the organization and the production system are exemplary and puts two examples: keep the enclosure free manipulation of external contamination sealingly (windows and doors closed) as well as measures to protect workers: footwear, gloves, auditive protectors…, They are proof.

For us, the BAMA Trading Division, it became clear that COAGRISAN had to be among the best suppliers of the company, because they have been working and showing, said Elisabeth Rittfeldt.

COAGRISAN Vice President thanked the consideration that the BAMA group has had with the Cooperative, which prides whole family of COAGRISAN and confirms that we are on the right track.

The director-general, Jacinto Godoy, He noted that the effort that has been made in recent years continues to yield results and, In addition, one of the most demanding markets in the world so confirms.