Stand Melones El Abuelo

Stand Melones El Abuelo

The procession moved to the fair FRUIT LOGISTICA 2015 carried out numerous commercial activities and held meetings with domestic producers of berries and melons to be interested in their production model, alternatively by the municipality Villager.

The cooperative was present COAGRISAN, Another edition, the largest fair of fruits and vegetables of all those held, participating in FEDEX stand – ACETO in which more than one hundred fifty trade relations were made.

President of COAGRISAN, Juan José de el Pino, He stated that under the Fruit Logistica keeps direct contact with customers, while we know what they are doing our direct competitors.

Del Pino said the Canary tomato continues to consolidate its market share in Europe, especially in the Nordic countries where demand continues to rise. Exploring new markets has established contacts with potential customers in some countries in Eastern Europe.

COAGRISAN's entourage participated in the meeting held the sector with the Minister and Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Canary Islands, Juan Ramon Hernandez and Alonso Brook, respectively.

imageBoth moved to the sector intends to continue supporting activity, ongoing streamlining procedures and trying to resolve the outstanding items relating to State aid.

On the other hand, the director-general of COAGRISAN, Jacinto Godoy, I held meetings with leading domestic producers of berries, Freshuelva y Euroberry, and melons, Procomel, in order to learn more this sector.

Between meetings, Godoy met the production manager of Procomel (Melons El Abuelo) Salvador Lopez Buendia and managing director, Celedonio Buendía Ros, who expressed his intention to visit the municipality of La Aldea.

At this meeting, Godoy was accompanied by the consultant and agronomist, Carmen Nicolas, Procomel who has commissioned the search for land for growing melons and already has been exploring possibilities in the municipality of La Aldea.

In addition, It so happens that the municipality of La Aldea has commissioned Carmen Nicolas plan development agricultural export viability Village, which focuses on the cultivation of berries, seedless grapes (without seeds) and melons.

As for the berry industry, Godoy met with the president of Freshuelva, Alberto Garrocho, who explained the details of this crop that has been integrated with strawberries.

Also, Euroberry manager, Javier Rico, Godoy explained that has the greatest volume of berries produced in Europe, an amount that places like the great specialists of this fruit.

Within this group is composed of the largest producer of blueberries in Europe, Hortifrut España, in Huelva, with an average production 3.000 tons, which places them as the great specialists of this fruit, said Rico.

Hortifrut España, through its marketing Euroberry Marketing, put on the market the best in quality cranberry, taste and presentation, but it does so while maintaining its policy of zero waste, with maximum respect for the environment in which their farms are and the best possible integration of all staff working in its facilities. I.e., increased production of blueberries in Europe, but also the most sustainable, said Javier Rico.

At this point both agreed Euroberry manager as the CEO of COAGRISAN, who explained the cooperative model based on the same elements, but referring to the ecological tomato and banana.