The bell 2011/2012 has been determined by the start date of the same that, in general terms, we can affirm that it is a month ahead of its predecessors.
Start the campaign in October, it is not usual. In fact, there are those who described it as “a risk”. However, the analyzes carried out by COAGRISÁN and its marketing subsidiary, Fortune Fruits, they were aiming to start a month earlier.
This fact meant that the last campaign overlapped with the present. The last shipments to the continent, marked by the crisis of the bacterium E. Coli, coincided with the sowing of the seedbeds. Fact that no one remembers occurred in the fifty years of history of the Cooperative.
Packaging is in full swing. Since the export began last October, have already been exported 670.000 baskets, which makes a total of 4.020.000 kilos, 340.000 baskets more than last year around this time.
The beginning of this campaign has been characterized by the few incidences in the crops. The actions carried out to control the plagues of the whitefly and the Tuta Absoluta, have given their results.
The technicians affirm that the benign weather has favored the growth of the plants and the ripening of the fruit in very optimal conditions., as well as a perfect condition of the crops.
The introduction of nesidiocoris in seedbeds has meant a success in the control of the present pests, to the point that populations have had to be controlled so that they do not pose an inconvenience.
Regarding prices, the month has seen an oscillation of ups and downs that seem to stabilize. Moroccan exports, which, according to the exporting employers, introduce the quota at lower prices.
The prospects for the campaign are quite optimistic, coinciding with the campaign that the MARM is developing in the countries of central Europe to promote the consumption of Spanish fruits and vegetables.