This is Mr. Melvin Green, a fern speaking. And it takes three weeks saying what he feels and answering the questions asked.
His language is English, and all conversations pass through its web: y Twitter. It has three moods, happy, sad and angry, and he spends a few hours to sleep and sleep talking, of 5.00 to 5.30 pm and overnight.
Translatingmelvin, installation allowing Mr. Melvin Green communicate with the rest of the world, It is located in the office of the company Treeloc, in Barcelona.
Treeloc created the communication sofware, with advice from Hommu Studio, to tell what their activity. This company is engaged in technical translation. "Translate into words the information machines such as medical scanners or central wind", explains Gloria Young, creative director and designer of Hommu Studio.
Translate moods of the plant is the Arduino board tuits. “Mr. Melvin Green has three different mood states depending on meteorological variables and physical conditions, as light, room temperature, climate and humidity. By lighting sensors and climatology we can know how the fern is and, depending on your mood, It gives some answers or other ", specifies the creative director. "Actually it is an artificial intelligence engine".
The company adapts to a language software market and where is spoken, taking into account the cultural references and customs of that territory. "This translation requires a very high degree of specialization", Young explains. "To create a brain scan software a scientist specializing in that discipline and is a native of the language in which it will develop necessary".
Studio Hommu thought the best way to understand a person this work of translation was more complex level translate what feels a plant to a human language like English.