cynthia-lam-960x623The invention is called H2Pro and is a photocatalytic unit generating electricity and portable water purification.

Cynthia Lam, with only 17 years, It is one of the 15 Fair finalists Google along with other inventions that seek to make the world a better place. She invented a device which can purify water and produce "green" energy while.

The Google Science Fair aims to reward the best inventions that make this world a better place. Thinking of the millions of people for water and energy is inaccessible, Cynthia created the H2Pro, a photocatalytic unit generating electricity and portable water purification.

About 780 million people lack safe drinking water and about 1,2 million electricity. By photocatalytic technology can purify water and generate energy from sunlight. Cynthia explained in his request while researching photocatalysis, the idea came to mind H2Pro.

In the process of photocatalysis, water is purified and sterilized to produce hydrogen by splitting water and this can be used to generate electricity.

For the process only titanium is required as a catalyst and sunlight, but the production of hydrogen is low, which is solved with the addition of reducing agents, role that some organic pollutants perform very well.

By combining the two mechanisms can improve the performance of energy production and reduce the cost of generating hydrogen while water purification is achieved efficiently. Similar methods have been proposed but require external power so can not be used in remote locations.

Cynthia's invention seeks to apply the method of photocatalysis to a manageable level so that possible purify water and generate electricity for economic and sustainable way that can be implemented in isolated places where these two basic services are now just a dream.

Cynthia has shown that you're never too young to create or do something with the intention of improving our planet and the lives of the millions of people who live in it.

It is also fortunate that there are programs that push young people to expand their creativity to build a sustainable future.