Growing strawberriesThis gene had already been successfully tested for transfer to lettuce.

researchers Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry of the Institute of Subtropical and Mediterranean Horticulture La Mayora (mixed center of the University of Malaga and the CSIC) and Andalusian Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research and Training (IFAPA) have managed to increase a 15 percent vitamin C content of tomato from a strawberry gene.

Experts have used genetic engineering techniques to produce a product with an extra supply of ascorbic acid and greater antioxidant capacity., explain to the Discover Foundation the researcher responsible for this project, Victoriano Valpuesta, from the University of Malaga.

They started from the basis that the tomato, although it is one of the most consumed fruits in the Mediterranean diet, has a content of vitamin C or ascorbic acid around the 15-20 milligrams each 100 grams, a relatively low amount compared to other plant species such as citrus, the Kiwi, papaya or strawberry.

“The human body does not produce vitamin C on its own, it is acquired through fruits and vegetables. Since the tomato has little amount of this nutrient, but it is one of the most widely consumed and most important agricultural and economic crops, we consider that it was the right food to improve its nutritional quality”, The researcher responsible for this project has explained, Victoriano Valpuesta.

To get these results, the experts selected a strawberry gene that is involved in the production of ascorbic acid: “This fruit is one of those with a higher content of vitamin C thanks to the gene that produces the protein D-galacturothan reductase. This one had already been successfully transferred into lettuce, increasing the percentage of vitamin C by 200 percent. However, never tasted on tomato”, It has been suggested.

The analyzes carried out on the new fruits obtained through genetic modification confirmed an increase in the 15 percent of this antioxidant vitamin. “It's a moderate increase. Not much since, in general, modifying the levels of this compound in a plant is difficult because they are very controlled. Like this, when vitamin C levels are altered, the body puts in place a series of resources to keep them stable. They are the so-called homeostatic mechanisms that are activated by an internal imbalance, as in this case, increased vitamin C”, has affirmed Valpuesta.

Among the advantages of the extra contribution of this nutrient, the expert points out its beneficial effects on health. “Although ascorbic acid deficiency is not common in developed countries, diets enriched or supplemented with vitamin C are associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease or cancer”, has explained.

This influence on health is due to the antioxidant capacity of ascorbic acid, which slows down the damage caused by an excess of free radicals. These molecules are formed in many processes in the human body, for example, in the immune system when defending against viruses and bacteria. Similarly, ascorbic acid is a key molecule in plants to protect themselves from excess solar radiation during photosynthesis.

The result of this procedure is a fruit with a modified DNA. "Genetic engineering consists of modifying the genome of a species, either by transferring a gene from another variety, i.e., an exogenous gene, or altering those that the plant itself has ", the scientist asserts.

According to the expert, in the world there are some 200 million hectares cultivated with genetically modified organisms. "Genetic engineering, with all your precautions, must be seen as a solution to create products with added nutritional value ", designates.

After finishing this project, financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the researchers will focus their work on improving the quality of strawberries and studying the genome of the olive tree, a basic tool to deepen the knowledge of this tree of Mediterranean origin.