Caidero GIRL AND Siberio brimmed YESTERDAY AFTERNOON.Reboso of Siberia

The last storm has left an accumulated since last weekend 40,6 liters per square meter in Valley Village. Precipitaciones serene, sometimes accompanied by wind have been renewed aquifers, flow and allow the overflow of dams.

The president of the Community of Irrigators of La Aldea de San Nicolás informed Agroaldea remaining ten centimeters for the overflow of the dam of El Parralillo occur, which expected to occur at the end of the evening tonight to continue entering the current flow.

The storm has been accompanied by a general decline in temperatures reaching the 4,3ºC dial thermometer this morning in various parts of the Valley. This drop of mercury will affect the ripening of fruits and vegetables as well as the decline in milk of livestock.

However, the positive part is retained in the new pictures of the landscape in which the green back to dominate the flashes rhythmically Caideros, gullies and ravines.

Also, the water inlet supposed prey, Ecuador this past harvest, one of more, reboso having the same almost glimpse the end of this.

Sheep dogs and cattle have also been satisfied with this “wet” that will enable the renewal of the grass and it “endurance” until last May.

According to agricultural experts consulted, now remains to assess the effect of lowering the temperature in the ripening of fruit and the delay will have its effect.