I ajogerminadoThis is indicated by a recent study in Korea.

Often garlic bulbs are discarded when they start to sprout, However, Recent studies say that precisely these bulbs have higher levels of antioxidants than fresh bulbs.

The research team has been behind this study in Korea, brotación investigated whether improved antioxidant activity of garlic after noting that the emergence of the seeds of plants in general, promoting a new synthesis of bioactive compounds such as phytoalexins, that protect the plant against external stressors.

This led them to believe that this activity is also happening in garlic bulbs in bud, something that had already been found in beans and other grains.

Although garlic (Allium sativum) It has been widely studied for its health benefits, garlic sprouts have received very little attention. Like this, The study found that garlic sprouts had higher antioxidant activity than the freshest small bulbs, and concluded that several different metabolites were present also suggest that created different substances.

The team found that during sprouting had improved activity and DPPH radical scavenging ORAC Garlic.
“During the outbreak garlic also increased ability to suppress the intracellular ROS induced by hydrogen peroxide in HT22 cells”, said computer – comparing the extract of garlic sprouts and fresh garlic extracts for their ability to protect against neuronal damage induced by glutamate using cell lines HT22 .

Although this increased neuroprotective effect might suggest that enhanced due to the outbreak of garlic antioxidant capacity, The team said it is unclear what components in the outbreak of garlic are primarily responsible for increased antioxidant capacity.

They also observed that sprouting did not increase the total phenolic content of garlic, suggesting that phenolic compounds they are not associated with increased antioxidant activity and neuroprotective effect of bud extract Garlic.

“In addition, We have identified the metabolites whose concentrations were altered significantly during the shooting and that could contribute to the bioactivity of the outbreak of garlic”, said the research team.