SparGC6The chain has of 157 points of sale in 20 of the 21 municipalities of Gran Canaria.

Responsible for the CENCOSU group – SPAR Gran Canaria visited the facilities and crops of the COAGRISAN cooperative, in order to meet the production models and study the feasibility of establishing trade relations.

By CENCOSU on the visit were its President, Angel Medina, the Vice President, José López, the Adviser, Sergio Díaz, the Director of Social and corporate responsibility, Nayra monsoon and the heads of procurement, Juan Diego Robaina and Gonzalo Miguélez.

He also went to visit the President of Canary COAG, Rafael Hernandez Reyes, that accompanied the representatives of the chain during the same.

The delegation was received by the President of COAGRISAN, Juan José del Pino, the Vice President, Rogelio Rodriguez, the Treasurer, Juan Antonio Montesdeoca, the director-general, Jacinto Godoy and the head of the technical team, Marcelo Rodriguez.

SparGC7The tour began in the store packaging where they could check operating mechanism, from the reception of the fruit until the final packing for shipment to its destination.

In these facilities they were able to see the level of qualifications and standards that apply to the product, as well as the degree of traceability that governs the operation.

Responsible for warehouse, Vicente Melian, He explained each of the tasks that are performed in the packaging, with special emphasis on the selection of the fruit depending on colors and sizes.

The President and CEO of COAGRISAN presented the trajectory of the cooperative, providing figures on production, surfaces and European markets in which it operates, It was accompanied with the delivery of a detailed dossier.

[quote]They were able to see the level of qualifications and standards that apply to the product, and the degree of traceability which governs the operation.[/quote]

The visit continued for several crops of the agricultural estate of the tires and the Barranco de La Arena, that could see the level of modernization achieved by the cultivation of tomato.

The head of the Technical Department of COAGRISAN, Marcelo Rodriguez, He explained the various innovations that have been implemented in recent years: new substrates, lift the base of the crop, recirculation, integrated and, Finally, the 'zero waste'.

All this has not only affected a greater and better production, but it has also improved the working conditions, allowing to reduce the physical effort of the workers that has impacted on an improvement of the quality of the work, said the director-general.

At the end of the visit, the President of CENCOSU, Angel Medina, He expressed his surprise at the level of professionalism, management and ability to work which are a model for the future of agriculture and a pride for the municipality of the village.

Medina pointed out that they are very few productions that have levels of demand and the number of certifications, which guarantee safety and food quality as it has COAGRISAN.

Our goal is to add value to this production model, to know and recognize, because when the quality is guaranteed and is offered a good product, the consumer is willing to pay for it, Medina explained.

SPAR Gran Canaria group has been working in the 'Harvest Canaria' brand for several years. This brand difference quality productions made in the Canary Islands. They started with the potato and Zucchini have been added, papaya trees, strawberries and, In brief, they hope to add tomato village.

The Vice President of the chain, José López, He said that many times we are unfamiliar of what we have at home, When we have high level as the cooperative companies COAGRISAN. We must not only put it in value, but closer to the consumer.

On the other hand, Rafael Hernández stated that every time there are more producers who are doing things very well and that there is to recognize and reward it, front of others with terrible qualities help to the speculator and plunge those who try to do well, many times without any control.

The SPAR Gran Canaria group provides employment to more of 2.200 workers; generates a volume of business of more of 286 million euros per year and features of 157 points of sale that offer more coverage of the 95 per cent of the island of Gran Canaria, being present in 20 of the 21 municipalities.