Agricultural Cooperative COAGRISÁN, represented by its leadership and technical team, It has hosted the presentation of studies and research that have been developed experts of Seminis and De Ruiter, both companies acquired by Monsanto.


In the presentation, sales director of Monsanto Iberian, Ton Kuipers, thanked the excellent reception of the COAGRISÁN cooperative for what he called an important event in which the multinational presents the recent research and findings, studies on producing areas of Spain and Portugal.

The area manager of Murcia, Levant and Northern Spain Juan Carlos Fernández reported that, for research conducted in the area of ​​R + D + i, the company makes more than a hundred plantations of rootstocks of commercial and pre-commercial varieties in twenty farms dotted around the mainland and Portugal.

Fernandez stressed that the main study factors include resistancenematodes, new patterns with increased production while maintaining the cost, increasing the size and improving the Brix (measure the total ratio of sucrose dissolved in a liquid) fruit.

Area director Canarias, José Luis Pérez, He explained the change in denominations of seeds introduced the company, discarding the traditional alphanumeric code names for, it will not affect in any way the marketing of seed.

Among the key findings of the presentation included the commitment to the development of new varieties, improving the quality of seeds, specific studies for specific production areas and obtaining more vigorous rootstocks and easy to grow. In short, It is working on the letter patterns, José Luis Pérez said Juan Carlos Fernández and.

On the other hand, Ton Kuipers explained that the multinational has a genetic structure research, development and sales (Breeder+Td+Sales) exclusively for tomato cultivation, which shows how important it is for the company. Also, Kuipers said that all the work done allows to launch contrasting varieties and very well studied.

In the Canary Islands, the 90% varieties grown for export are Mariana, Dorothy s Boludo, the Maxifort being used grafts and Multifort.

Following the presentation of studies, participants moved to various crops COAGRISÁN where they could see the results of many of these investigations, and the adaptation and improvement of structures in addition to the productivity of the same. Like this, in the greenhouse R & D + i Cooperative observed the new varieties in the multinational study.

Speaking to Agroaldea, José Luis Pérez said that the multinational Monsanto bet decisively by the Canary tomato exports, who sees with great potential for future continuing the line of product differentiation in the European Union. Events like this show the interest and support the importance and projection the company provides.

Pérez considers essential the involvement not only of producers but from other agents, within which public authorities play an important role in an established business and enjoys a notorious reputation in European markets.

VP COAGRISÁN, Rogelio Rodriguez, thanked the deference shown by Monsanto and expressed interest in the cooperative to continue participating in the projects of the multinational study. “Everything that impact on improving performance and productivity of COAGRISÁN will be implemented in the development program without any doubt”, Rodriguez said.