In difficult times, entrepreneurship is not impossible. Like this, at least, the young farmer understands it Professional José Miguel Navarro spider. Another of his passions recognizes that it is the computer and through her he met the “Airstream” an innovative concept of glasshouses created in California.

After documenting everything he could and more about this innovative system, José Miguel did not think it was twice. He prepared his suitcase and flew to California, to San Diego where David Chelf, the creator of Airstream Innovation, I did the installation of one of their greenhouses.

José Miguel has been dedicated to the cultivation of beans in a traditional herringbone greenhouse and amagado that already not it enduring more. He played renewal and, in these latitudes, one of the few possibilities was the multi-tunnel. However, the small area, 1.300M2, He did not allow a large return of space, aside from the early repayment of expenditure.

This was one of the factors that encouraged José Miguel to look for other alternatives to this innovative system.

Airstream, current air or circulating air, meaning of David Chelf as the best solution to reduce the use of plant protection, water and climate control consumption. In a country that stands out due to the waste of energy, you will agree that the savings on the one hand, the consumption of large fans balances it.

Nothing is further from reality. The State of California is plenty of Sun and wind, that provide the necessary energy to the large fans that are responsible for keeping suspended the huge bubble of plastic that gives shape to the greenhouse.

David Chelf was a Professor of physics at the University of Berkley and the master in physical sciences at the University of California, specializing in the physics of fluids. In the year 1990 He decided to leave teaching and put into practice the ideas that were around him. Like this, It held its first Assembly in the Mojave Desert, in California.

Over the years it was debugging the system to achieve a solid and compact structure that has uses beyond agriculture. We could define the system as a large area of high strength plastic which remains suspended by the circulation of air which produce large fans.

Before this ingenuity come a myriad of questions that from Agroaldea, We harass a Miguel José. The fact enough to enable the tracking of this innovative system, as soon the municipality reaches greenhouse acquired by José Miguel.

The obvious question that we José Michael is on the consumption of the fans. To which responds to us that the numbers add up to you. You need four fans half horse (0,5 HP). However, the system is ready, through sensors, to capture possible wind flows and reduce the consumption of the fans.

José Miguel explains that as soon as he recovers the investment will invest in a combined system of renewable energy to feed fans. At the same time, She is studying to take advantage of the air outlet (26 km/h approx.) through a turbine that converted it into electricity that autoabastezca to greenhouse.

In terms of pest, José Miguel responds that the mesh anti air trip as well as the rear fan filter, reduce very significantly the same. Nor do pests have a fixed stream of air. In addition, the renovation of constant air condensation not permitted, What has a direct impact on the non-proliferation of fungi, at the time that helps pollinate.

It seems that all translates into a higher quality and production. You see that to adversities there is nothing like take to the imagination and innovation.