TVE released in September last year "A country to eat '. The program consists of a series of documentaries, starring Imanol Arias and Juan Echanove, who venture through the lands of Spain to investigate gastronomy and landscapes, and diversity found in our common roots.

Each program aims to discover an indigenous product, show the excellence of what is produced in the country and especially, meet the people behind each. “Travel, eat and enjoy life, rediscovering local products that are missing”. It defines the executive producer Miguel Angel Bernardeau the character of the series.

Not only is a program gImanol and Echanove2astronomical. It is also a cultural program, travel program, where the landscape plays a leading role and where literary and historical references to destinations such as the cemetery where they sleep eternal dreams Morrazo privateers as Gago Mendoza or visit the house in Moguer dedicated to the exquisite poetry of Juan Ramon Jimenez pursued.

The country that rediscovers in these chapters is a very diverse Spain. They are families and people living in villages, in small towns, they face every day at the same sea that their ancestors fought, and they continue weaving their work and daily life that frame of attitudes, customs and beliefs, which makes us the way we are.

The actors Imanol Arias and Juan Echanove have the help of two collaborators in the program, who share cooking skills or tasks in exploration on the route. Sometimes, They get together to share a plate, cooked in the heart of a forest with a simple camping gas or maybe prepared in the kitchen of a fancy restaurant.

In the first installment, “A country to eat”, the program has presented destinations South and North: Cádiz, Extremadura valleys, Cantabria, Rias, Huelva, Asturias, Alicante, La Gomera or Ávila are some of the places visited.

Soon they will move to Gran Canaria island to address products, reacalando in La Aldea to show, among others, tropical products, attractive and exotic for mainland Spain and close by weather conditions in this area allow cultivation.

The outstanding share and the number of awards it has garnered the first installment, guarantees a fantastic promotion of products and values ​​of the village combine with its unique landscape and economic engine.