The brand “Canarian banana” participated in the main event of the sector at the national level, emphasizing the differentiation of its product by flavor, traditional cultivation and respect for the environment.


The presence of Plátano de Canarias at this meeting is key for the sector, taking into account that it is a meeting that brings together the main purchasing managers, distribution and import, as well as representatives of large surfaces, which favors the generation of opportunities for business development.

On this occasion, Plátano de Canarias attended the space for companies that are members of the organization “5 up to date”. This is intended to reinforce the commitment to the consumption of fruits and vegetables to promote a healthy diet, in line with the latest actions it has been developing.

To do this, the stand of Plátano de Canarias put the accent on reflecting the environment of the cultivation of this fruit in the Islands and among its main attractions is the exhibition of the last two campaigns carried out by the brand, as the sponsorship of the Endesa League.

Precisely, this last activity focused the attention of the attendees, Since, in line with the campaign “Every triple is worth more” just launched by the Association of Organizations of Producers of Bananas of the Canary Islands (ASPROCAN) for the Endesa League competitions, said solidarity action was transferred to the attending public.

On the other hand, Plátano de Canarias has launched a message of optimism, just as he did through his campaign of “Banana rain”, with which it is committed to transmitting the positive values ​​generated around this activity.

In this case, the effort and dedication that goes hand in hand with the production process of this fruit, as well as the qualities of the product, are some of the issues that stand out.

The enhancement of the nutritional properties of Plátano de Canarias, especially its high presence of tryptophan, an amino acid vital for the functioning of the nervous system that plays a key role in activating comfort-related neurotransmitters, pleasure and good spirits, are some of the highlights, in addition to the presence of group B vitamins, C and folic acid, in addition to its richness in potassium and magnesium.

At the same time, emphasis is placed on the careful production process of Canarian Banana through sustainable crops, respectful with the environment and in which quality is the priority objective.

Fruit Attaction celebrated its fifth edition this year under the slogan “The right place, in an opportune moment”, influencing its commitment to help the business fabric to boost its promotional activity with the international distribution channel and contribute to the planning of commercial campaigns.