Magnus Göransson a copy of the cookbook.This is the renowned Swedish chef, Marcus Nemrin, head of the Sofiero Palace Restaurant Stockholm.

Once again, COAGRISAN tomato news again, but this time as the star luxury in a cookbook published in Sweden, It is a great success.

On the last visit of the CEO of the Swedish group Ewerman, , the Cooperative COAGRISAN, he made the presentation and delivery to the headmistress of a copy of this cookbook published in Swedish.

Tomato & MatGöransson explained that approximately thirty recipes whose main ingredient tomato COAGRISAN, and they have been prepared by the renowned Swedish chef Marcus Nemrin.

The book, of careful editing and design, It begins with a geographical description of the town where occurs Village tomato, then move to explain the process of cultivation packaging, until they receive in Sweden.

Magnus Göransson said the book was an initiative of STC Greenfood, Food wholesale group in which it is integrated Ewerman, and editing have also participated several institutions.

All our customers who consume tomato COAGRISAN have a copy of the book. Many people used to remember your visit to the Cooperative and others, to have new ideas on how to use tomatoes in its restaurants, said Göransson.Introduction of Tomat & Mat

President of COAGRISAN, Juan José de el Pino, He stated that the cooperative initiative is a source of pride, because not only it recognizes the quality of our tomato, but that highlights the value of our environment and the whole production process.