antioxidantsAmong the benefits of antioxidants is that of helping to protect cells against damage.

The XXVIII edition of the fair Agroexpo, held in Don Benito (Badajoz), I count among its novelties with a display dedicated to a new line of cosmetic products based on lycopene, a substance with antioxidant properties that is found in tomatoes.

Hand Extremadura company Tomatoes of the Guadiana arrives lycopene, a new line of cosmetics developed for the skin care and aimed at both men and women.

The president of the organization, Domingo Fernández, explains that this product range of the target “follow” advancing innovation and get added value for the company.

This company has a line of food products with lycopene and in the last two years they have worked in their bid to break into the field of cosmetics.

according to Fernandez, when they began working with lycopene, one of the workers of the company applied it in a few spots in her skin and began to disappear.

For this reason, this cooperative dedicated to the processing of tomato, He began developing relevant studies that did nothing but confirm their theory.

Women working in the laboratory they found in their hands the properties of lycopene, according Fernández.

Among the benefits of this antioxidant, responsible for providing the red color to tomatoes, where it is found in high quantities, is that of help protect cells against damage.

Hence the consideration of the tomato as an excellent anti-aging food.

lycopene It is a wide range for skin care in which you can find, soaps, body oils, stain remover or even anti-aging creams, a bid to unite beauty and natural products promises to be competitive in price, according Fernández.