The Filipino Ángelo Casimiro has created a template capable of generating energy from one of our most basic activities: walk.
Life is energy running through our bodies, Every time we do some activity what we are doing is transforming that energy into something else.. For this reason it is not surprising, but yes to admire, that Angelo Casimiro, a Filipino boy from 15 years, has invented a way to produce electrical energy just by walking.
Through an insole that is placed in the shoe, The electrical energy of each step is used thanks to the piezoelectric materials with which it is made. Every time these materials are pressed, an alternating current voltage is generated, so at a constant pace, you can have a small source of energy.
The young man not only invented this template, He also has a blog where he shares his findings, inventions and the theory behind the invention he has worked on the last few 4 years. Angelo says that piezoelectricity has been around since the mid-18th century and is nothing more than the electrical charge that accumulates in some solid materials in response to an applied mechanical stress..
Although the device is used for things as simple as charging a mobile phone, it is much more useful than it seems., “You will never worry about running out of battery during a vacation again, in fact, A walk would serve to do two things at the same time” adds Casimiro..
Angelo and his invention are in the process of 'collaborative improvement'; does not believe it is ready for mass distribution despite being fully operational. Angelo's plans aim to create an open source device in which various people can apply their ideas to improve it and give it broader uses..
You can find instructions for creating your own device on the site Angelo's Instructables. This young, just like Cynthia Lam (which we already talked about in this same section), is another of the Google Science Fair finalists.